Thursday, October 9, 2014

10.05.2014 Burning Tropical Island Map of Temporal Chains

Servant of a Frozen Fire- Standard
Mods - Monsters do extra fire damage and player is cursed with Temporal Chains
Quantity: +27%

Currency Expended:
1 Transmutation

Currency Gained:
3 Transmutation
5 Alteration
2 Chromatic
9 Scrap
5 Whetstone

Maps Gained:
Cemetary L67

This run wasn't really hard, but it was tiresome because of how slowly Temporal Chains makes you move.  All things considered, the Tropical Island maps are pretty mild.  Even with my casting speed reduced, I didn't have any problems killing monsters.  However, I did miss a lot on my first pass through the map.  So I had to double back hugging the edges of the zone to get down to a remaining monster count that I was comfortable leaving the map.  Temporal Chains is just always annoying.  I've seen people in videos talk about how they just re-roll this on low level maps because of the clear speed.  The burning modifier is no trouble whatsoever for an Arctic Armor character.

The loot was a little odd.  I found an Artisan's Strongbox, as evidenced by the large numbers of Scrap and Whetstone.  The nice thing about the map that dropped was that it dropped with 18% quality.  That should be a nice one to run once I build up my pool of level 67 maps a bit more.  I also suffered an unexpected death when my sister asked me to help with getting clothes out of the dryer.  I thought I had cleared the area around my character sufficiently, but I guess I hadn't because when I got back to the computer, I was dead.  At least it was standard, and I still gained experience despite this mishap.

In news unrelated to this run, I have a dual Flame Totem marauder in the Beyond League to level 65.  I'm going to run the Solaris Temple tonight.  Barring an untimely death, I should be able to run maps with him in a hardcore league soon.  I'll probably grind out an extra level or two on top of what I get from just progressing through Act III Merciless, but without a doubt (and even if I have to do it after being booted back to standard) that will be the next character of mine going into The Eternal Laboratory.

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