Saturday, September 6, 2014

9.3.2014 Feral Grotto Map of Exposure

Yarmilla - Standard
Mods - More animals, player maximum resistances reduced
Quantity: +42%

Currency Expended:
1 Transmutation
1 Augmentation

Currency Gained:
2 Transmutation
4 Alteration
3 Augmentation
9 Jewlers
2 Fusing
4 Chromatic
8 Scrap
4 Whetstone
1 Baubble
1 Chisel

Maps Gained:
Wharf Map L67

I crafted this map back before I had characters strong enough to run maps.  I waited a while to run it, but I decided to give it a try with Yarmilla after taking advantage of the Forsakem Masters respec.  I gained a bit of energy shield and I also, without realizing it, picked up one more pack of additional minions than I had before.  I can really summon a crowd now, 8 zombies and 12 skeletons plus the 2 spectres any summoner needs.  I lost a little mana regen though.  I can't keep up a steady stream of Arc blasts going into the monsters, so upping my mana regen will be what I concentrate on as I level up a bit and continue to look for gear.  If I have enough mana to level clarity again, that would help too.

Once again, Grotto maps strike me as the easiest to run.  The boss doesn't do anything scary and the mobs are all pretty straightforward to deal with.  I should probably use Yarmilla to run the rest of the Dunes maps I have in my stash.  I stuck with Chaos Inoculation when I respeced, and I got my Energy Shield up to 4K by replacing some gear.  She's probably the best character I have for dealing with the hundreds of rotting zombies that get summoned by the boss of that map.

It didn't feel especially profitible when I ran it because of the lack of any Alchemy of Chaos orbs dropping.  For that matter, not even a chance orb dropped.  However, I got much more than what I spent modding the map back, and I got a level 67 map also.  With the relatively high item quantity, more than one map drop would have been nice, but I guess every run can't drop multiple maps.  It was a higher level map, so that was nice.

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