Wednesday, July 16, 2014

7.15.2014 Ceremonial Grotto Map of Enfeeblement

Yarmilla - Standard
Mods - Lots of Totems, The Player Is Cursed with Enfeeble
Quantity: +30%

Currency Expended:
Unknown (I crafted this before I started tracking how much currency I used on maps.)

Currency Gained:
3 Transmutation
2 Alteration
1 Augmentation
5 Chromatic
1 Scrap
2 Whetstone
1 Baubble

Maps Gained:
Arcade (L67)

This run with Yarmilla confirms my view that the Grotto map is the easiest to run of the maps I've tried so far.  She doesn't deal nearly as much damage as Servant of a Burning Fire, but she breazed through this map as well.  The map boss and some of the tougher yellow monsters would kill my spectres and zombies, but I was able to keep those monsters contained with a skeleton totem.  

The map mods didn't cause me any trouble either.  The only totem which was an issue is the one that prevents allies from being killed, but I could reach them with arc, so I really didn't need to alter my core combat plan to deal with them.  Likewise, Enfeeble didn't slow me down either because I've taken the passive nodes to apply the shocked condition 20% of the time ( Yarmilla leveled during this run.).  I'm mainly using Arc to apply shock stacks to monsters so that my minions can kill them; it doesn't cause much inconvenience to dish out less damage.

The only downside to this run was that the loot was a little underwhelming.  I only got one map, but it was a level 67.  I've done better with a lower quantity bonus, but I've also blanked with a higher bonus.  I really didn't get that much currency for a pretty decent quantity bonus though.  I did keep a few of the rare items, so I guess upgrading my pool of gear to pick from isn't a bad thing.  I also got one of the new Ball Lightning skill gems.  That's probably what I was most excited about after the arcade map.

I would like to have run a few more maps than what I've been able to recently, but I'm also consolidating inventory since the end of the last set of 4 month leagues.  Probably the best discovery I've had durning this process was that a level 35 one handed mace in the inventory out damages things 10-15 levels higher with over +75% increased physical damage (IPD).  The lower level mace has IPD, plus a flat physical damage bonus, plus an attack speed bonus.  It's really an ideal leveling weapon for a 1 handed mace wielder.  Now that I've got this blog post written, I think I'll try to clear out another stash tab or two before bed.

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