Monday, August 25, 2014

8.20.2014 Anarchic Tropical Island Map of Vulnerability

Servant of a Burning Fire - Standard
Mods - Two rogue exiles on the map, player cursed with vulnerability
Quantity: +40%

Currency Expended:
1 Transmutation

Currency Gained:
3 Transmutation
7 Alteration
2 Augmentation
1 Chromatic
1 Chance
1 Scrap
3 Whetstone
1 Chisel
1 Regret

Maps Gained:
Mud Geyser Map L68

This was the first Tropical Island map that I've played.  It was a bit challenging with the two rogue exiles.  The first one wasn't too bad, but then I fought one with life regen.  That made fighting him a whole lot harder.  Nothing special for +40% quantity, but one of the exiles dropped the Mud Geyser map.  That's a nice upgrade that makes up for the lackluster drops in currency.  The other thing that was nice was a Blackgleam quiver dropped.

The map itself was probably the easiest to navigate in terms of making sure nothing was missed since it's two straight shots connected by a cave entrance.  Typical kind of stuff you fight in the forests in act II of the main game.

The one thing I can't really judge was the toughness of the map's boss.  He looked like a giant ape, but when I encountered him, its AI couldn't seem to decide if it should attack me or run back to attack my Searing Bond totem.  It just sat there until it burned up.

This was the first map I had run with Servant of a Burning Fire after Forsaken Masters launched.  I had to respec the templar, and I forgot to pick up Elemental Equilibrium when I did so.  So I was missing out on a big chunk of my damage for burning down boss and other high life hostiles.  I also saw in the patch notes that Searing Bond had recieved an 18% nerf across the board.  Even between those two disadvantages, I had no trouble, other than the aforementioned discussion of rogue exiles, clearing the map.

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